Android QR Code Scanner using third party Library
Objective : In this tutorial we will learn how to use QR code scanning using third party library ZXingScanner in Android Application. We will follow the steps ass below. Step-1: Basic introduction of the QR code scanner. -QR stands for Quick Response code which is a two dimensional barcode (matrix codes) that allows contents to be decoded at a high speed. QR code system is invented in 1994 by japanese company Denso-Wave. -Quick Response code is a licence free and QR have the square dots which are arranged in a grid with white color background which are easily read by the scanner or camera which are called the imaging devices. -QR code have the different different sizes which are starts from the 21X21 pixels which is version 1,25X25 pixels is version 2 and go on up to 177X177 which is version 40. -QR codes storing the addresses and URLS may appear in newspapers,books,business cards..etc or any type of entity wh...