Kotlin Introduction

Basic Introduction of Kotlin

Apple released the Swift programming language for iOS, and for developing the ios application there is already swift available so many Android developers have wanted a similar language for Android development. so i know many developers and you are going to love Kotlin, a JVM language that is remarkably similar to Swift.

Kotlin is a like java but not exactly same, there is some syntax difference and all and the basic features of Kotlin is like.. Kotlin is a statically-typed language, and it's developed by JetBrains Company, whose syntax is more expressive and concise than that of Java. With features like higher-order functions, lambda expressions, operator overloading, string templates, and more, Kotlin has a lot more to offer than Java. Because Java and Kotlin are highly interoperable, they can be used together in the same project.

If you are a competent programmer in Java, you will be able to learn Kotlin in a very short time. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to use Kotlin’s most frequently used constructs.

Kotlin vs Java: key differences between Android’s officially-supported languages

I think Java may be the first programming language that comes to mind when you think about the mobile application develpments like Android, but we don’t have to use Java for Android Application development. You can write Android apps in a many types of different programming languages,like C#, Lua, C/C++, JavaScript, Scala, and Clojure, but there’s one alternative programming language in particular that’s been getting a ton of attention since this year’s Google I/O.

Google declared that they they were making Kotlin an officially supported language for Android Development during the I/O keynote in the 3.0 preview,Android Studio ships with Kotlin support built-in, so creating an Android project that understands Kotlin code is now as easy as selecting a checkbox in Android Studio’s project creation wizard.

This news has generated plenty of buzz, and has also sparked a bit of a Kotlin vs Java debate. Chances are you’ve been reading lots of positive things about Kotlin recently, but if you do make the switch from Java to Kotlin, then what exactly are you gaining? What features does Kotlin have, that Java doesn’t, and vice versa?

In this article, we’re going to be looking at all the major differences between Kotlin vs Java, including a few features that you’ll be sacrificing if you do make the move to Kotlin.

Kotlin does not need of the findViewByIds

If you compare both the class of the Java and Kotlin that are performing the almost same work, then the kotlin class is much more concise but there’s one area in particular where Kotlin can seriously reduce the amount of boilerplate code you need to write: findViewByIds.

Kotlin Android Extensions allow you to import a reference to a View into your Activity file, at which point you’ll be able to work with that View as though it was part of the Activity. The result? You’ll never have to write another findViewById method again!


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